We're honored to be the first-ever $1 million USD TD Ready Challenge grant winner for our Edible Eco-Labs to Accelerate Learning programming!
We invite you to watch the video we created as part of our submission to the TD Ready Challenge. In it you will learn more about the successes of our Edible Outdoor Eco-Lab program and how we will use the TD Ready Challenge Grant to ameliorate learning loss in math and help students thrive.
The Education Fund's 可食用户外生态实验室 tap into nature to teach core knowledge!
Nature can often be the best teacher. That's the premise of AG亚游集团官方网站's 可食用户外生态实验室 to Accelerate Learning program.
The Edible Outdoor Eco-Lab is among AG亚游集团官方网站’s most successful programs, improving 67% of students’ science achievement by using the great outdoors. 通过这个项目, 我们建立“食物森林”, 有树木, 灌木, 植物, 和路径, on school grounds and then demonstrate to schools how to use them as outdoor classrooms. 学生学习土壤科学, 光合作用, 物理, and other science concepts as well as healthy eating habits and nutritional knowledge that will last a lifetime.
"We've seen tremendous learning loss from the COVID pandemic, 尤其是在数学方面,——琳达·莱赫特, AG亚游集团官方网站主席, 解释. The TD Ready Challenge grant will allow us to "take a huge step forward, significantly expanding these outdoor classrooms into math-labs that use the power of forest gardens to teach students,莱赫特说. "If you've ever tried to learn math by just reading about it and trying to visualize the concepts in your head, 这可能很难. Getting students outdoors in these environmental Eco-labs means that they're going to be learning in a different space, using materials from nature that truly open their minds."